The Commissioner’s Task Force, South Zone Team, Hyderabad along with Chikkadpally Police apprehended (04) accused who committed theft of two wheelers pertaining to VOGO Bikes Rental Services at Metro Stations in the limits of Hyderabad

and Rachakonda Police Commissionerates - Seized (38) two wheelers - Total worth of Rs. 30 Lakhs.
Details of the accused:
1. MD. Rizwan, age: 19 yrs, R/o Yakuthpura, Hyderabad.
2. MD. Yaseen, age: 19 yrs, R/o Bhavaninagar, Talabkatta, Hyderabad.
3. Mir Hamza, age: 19 yrs, R/o Yakuthpura, Hyderabad.
4. Mohd. Wajeed, age: 24 yrs, R/o Moulali, Medchal Dist.(Receiver )
5. Syed Ahmed Mehedi @ Abbu, age: 21 yrs, R/o Noorkhan Bazar, Dabeerepura,
Hyderabad (Absconding).
6. M.A. Aziz @ Ather, age: 20 yrs, Occ: Driver, R/o Omer Colony, Hafeez Baba
Nagar, Hyderabad (Receiver - Absconding)
7. Numan (Receiver - Absconding).
Seized property :
1. Two Wheelers- 38
2. Fabricated Vehicle Documents-16
3. GPS trackers set-02
4. Cell Phones-03
5. Manual Lockers set-01
Modus operandi:
The all the accused are resident of Yakutpura and Bhavaninagar and they are
pursue their intermediate. The prime accused MD. Rizwan came to know about the
VOGO vehicles and its operating system with GPS tracker. Later, Rizwan shared the same
to his friends MD. Yaseen, MD. Hamja and Syed Ahmed Mehedi @ Abbu and hatched
a plan to commit theft of the vehicles from different Metro Railway Stations. As per their
plan they formed into a gang and targeted two wheeler vehicles ( Activa – 5G ) parked at
Metro Stations particularly VOGO (Bikes Rental Service) vehicles and committed theft of
(38) vehicles in the limits of Hyderabad and Rachakonda Police Commissionarates.
The vehicle will start after entering complete details of the customer with OTP
generation and activate the GPS tracker. Due to GPS tracking system, the accused towed
the vehicles from the parking place to isolated places. Later they remove the GPS tracking
system, logo of VOGO Company in order to hide the vehicles identity. Later, they remove
barcode board, keypad locking system and GPS tracking machine. The accused
purchases manual locking system sets and insert in place of keypad locking system.
Subsequently they prepared fake registration documents of the said vehicles and selling to
receivers namely Mohd Wajeed, M.A. Aziz and Numan (Absconding) for a cost ranging
from 15,000 to 20,000/- rupees.
Present Cases: Crime No, Sec of Law and P.S. Seized Vehicles Number of
1. Cr.No. 66/2021 U/s 379 IPC of PS Chikkadpally TS 13 UC0659 01
Cr.No.169 /2021 U/s 379 IPC of LB Nagar PS
TS 13UC0622
3. TS 13UB9469
4. TS 13UC2506
5. TS 13UC2156
6. TS 13UC0618
7. TS 13UB8405
Cr.No.97/2021 U/s 379 IPC of Uppal PS
9. TS13UC0459
10. TS13UC0866
11. TS13UC2298
12. TS13UB9452
13. TS13UC0176
14. TS13UB9186
Cr.No. 43/2021 U/s 379 IPC of Abids PS
16. TS10UC2541
17. TS13UC0605
18. TS13UC0574
No. of vehicles seized pertaining to above Crime Numbers. 18
Vehicles yet to be verified 20
Previous cases.
Name of the accused Details of the accused
1 Md. Rizwan , S/o late Etisham, Age: 19 yrs,
Occ: Student, R/o Yakuthpura,Hyderabad.
Cr.No. 09/2020 U/s 457, 380 IPC of PS
Dabeerpura P.S.
2 Syed Ahmed Mehedi @ Abbu S/o
Mohammed Mehedi, Age: 21 yrs,
Occ:Student, R/O Noorkhan Bazar,
Dabeerpura, Hyd ( Absconding )
Cr.No. 09/2020 U/s 457, 380 IPC of PS
Dabeerpura P.S.
Today, basing on credible information, the South Zone Task Force Team,
Hyderabad along with Chikkadpally Police apprehended the above accused and recovered
the stolen property. The accused and seized property handed over to SHO Chikkadpally
PS for further investigation.
The above arrests were made under the supervision of Sri. Chakravarthy Gummi,
Addl. Dy. Commissioner of Police, Commissioner’s Task Force, Hyderabad City by Sri.
S. Raghavendra, Inspector of Police, South Zone and SIs S/Sri N. Srishylam, Mohd
Thakiuddin, V. Narender, K. Chandra Mohan, & Staff and Chikkadpally Police.
Anjani Kumar, I.P.S.,
Commissioner of Police,
Hyderabad City.

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